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New York Auto Insurance FAQ

Drivers who need to obtain protection often benefit from learning the answers to other people’s New York auto insurance FAQ.  These answers may help you learn about coverage options and in the state of NY. Auto insurance FAQ may also give you a better idea of which companies and policies are right for your personal situation. Take just a minute to read the FAQs below about auto insurance in New York before getting quotes for your best coverage. 

New York Auto Insurance FAQ #1: Is There A State Minimum Requirement For Auto Insurance In New York? 

In New York State there is a minimum auto insurance requirement.  In fact, New York state law is very strict about auto insurance coverage.

The minimal auto insurance requirements are mandatory for any person with a vehicle registered in New York State, even if that vehicle is not being driven or is being used in another state.  The requirements are as follows:

  • Bodily Injury Liability – $25,000 per person / $50,000 per accident
  • Property Damage Liability – $10,000
  • Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist – $25,000 per person / $50,000 per accident
  • Personal Injury Protection – $50,000

This type of policy is often referred to as a 25/50/10 with 25/50 UM limits.  Insurance companies will usually know the legal minimum requirements and will be able to help ensure you are properly covered. 

New York Auto Insurance FAQ #2: What Are The Penalties For Not Having Car Insurance Coverage In New York? 

New York State is very strict in their regulation of the insurance laws.  The penalties for not having insurance coverage can result in you losing your license and your registration to your vehicle.

When your insurance coverage ends you must surrender your vehicle license plates to the Department of Motor Vehicles.  If you do not surrender your license plates to the DMV within 90 days your license will be suspended.  As soon as your insurance coverage ends your registration will be suspended.

If you refuse to surrender your plates you are subject to an indefinite suspension of your registration and drivers license.  You can pay a civil penalty instead of surrendering your plates.

The only way to avoid suspension is to surrender your plates before your insurance coverage lapses.  You will then be able to get your plates back as soon as you have insurance coverage again.  If you fail to surrender your plates you are subject to suspension of your plates even if you get insurance coverage again.

Your insurance coverage is monitored by the DMV and they will know immediately when your insurance coverage ends.  You are responsible for handling the situation to avoid penalties.

New York Auto Insurance FAQ #3: What Is Insurance Verification? 

The state of New York requires insurance verification to ensure you are meeting the insurance legal requirements.  Both paper and electronic verification is required.

Paper verification is your responsibility.  You must show your current and valid insurance card at the time you register your vehicle.

Electronic verification is the responsibility of your insurance company.  The insurance company, not your agent, but the actual insurer, must file electronic proof of your insurance coverage. 

New York Auto Insurance FAQ #4: What Is The Reduction Program? 

The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles offers an accident prevention course that will give you up to four points off your license and a 10% discount on your auto insurance upon completion.  This course is an attempt to help you save money on your insurance and be a better driver.

The course is done on a computer at the DMV office and your completion of the program is handled automatically through the computer system to provide you with the four point reduction and insurance discount. 

New York Auto Insurance FAQ #5: Why Should I Get An Insurance Quote? 

Getting a NY auto insurance quote is important because it can help you to save money on your insurance and is the best way to find the most valuable insurance policy. Those who don’t compare policies are likely to pay hundreds more in premiums and deductible each year.  You should get quotes from a variety of insurance companies to find the one that offers you the best value.

The handy tool above will allow you to use the answers to the New York auto insurance FAQ to evaluate your options from several companies at once time.

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